Portrait Painting with Luca Indraccolo


Regular price £675.00


This course is aimed at any artists who are unfamiliar with oil paints, and are looking to expand their knowledge in the Old Masters tradition of oil painting, using the atelier method. We will explore setting up a painting, as well as colour mixing and drawing with paint. 

What you will learn: 

The Basics of Oil Painting is a 2 day course focussing on learning the basics of realistic oil painting. Students will learn how to set up an oil painting, wet-into-wet as well as wet-on-dry techniques, manipulating oil paint using different brushes (hog vs synthetic) as well as the basics of realistic oil painting (drawing, grey values, edges, etc). Students will complete 2 oil paintings in 2 days. Goal is not to have a finished painting, but to feel confident painting in oils at home. Beginner level. 

Colour mixing as well as materials will be discussed. 


Recommended materials: 

Oil Paint: A Basic Palette 

  • Lead or Titanium White - PW1, PW6 
  • Cadmium Yellow or Winsor Yellow - - PY 53, PY 74 
  • Cadmium Red or Bright Red or Windsor Orange - PR 108, PR 254, PO 7 
  • Alizarin Crimson - PR 83 
  • Cobalt Blue or Ultramarine Blue - PB 28, PB 29 
  • Raw Umber - PBr 7 
  • Ivory Black - PBk 9 

I highly recommend "Old Holland", "C Roberson", "Blockx", "Vasari" and "Winsor and Newton" (cheapest option). 

Other Materials: 

  • Balanced wooden arm palette (if you are right handed, please buy a palette designed to be held in the left hand and vice versa. 
  • Hog bristle brushes and synthetics brushes (overall a good selection of brushes should be used. The more brushes, the easier it is to keep colour mixes clean. A variety of sizes is essential for handling large areas of the painting as well as small details. However, a set of at least 8 'filberts' and 'flats' should be enough to get started). and vice versa) 
  • Flexible steel palette knife 
  • Sansodor or other low odour solvent (odourless turpentine substitute for painting) 
  • Metal dipper for medium 
  • A good supply of kitchen roll for cleaning brushes 
  • Something to carry your wet paintings home with on the last day, for example, a canvas carrier. If you are unable to find one, another canvas of the same size can be strapped to the front to keep the painting safe while being transported. 
  • 2 Small (about the size of your object) panels or canvases - It is advisable to bring 2 canvases of the same size to help transport your painting safely home. 
  • Some interesting objects to paint: nothing too big (max 30 cm). I advise against patterns and symmetrical forms and spheres for beginners, as they take a while to draw. Organic or soft forms (ie plush toy, fruits) are more forgiving to draw. A range of materials is preferred (ie fur, glass, metal, wood, fabric, plastic, etc) 


A maximum of 10-12 students to one tutor. 

Set up the same as a cast painting course. Students can share their still life spots of space is needed. 



Please bring the following materials with you. Items marked with an asterisk are stocked in the LARA shop. Please call ahead if you would like to reserve items to ensure availability.

Oil Paint: The LARA Palette

  • Lead White - PW1 (recommended) or Titanium White* - PW6
  • Nickel Yellow* - PY 53
  • Yellow Ochre* - PY 43
  • Cadmium Red* - PR 108 (or cheaper alternative English Red PR 1C1)
  • Alizarin Crimson* - PR 83 (more permanent alternatives: Quindacridone Magenta - PR 122, Quindacridone Maroon - PR 206)
  • Cobalt Blue* - PB 28 (or cheaper alternative Ultramarine Blue PB 29)
  • Raw Umber* - PBr 7
  • Ivory Black* - PBk 9
  • We highly recommend Old Holland, C Roberson, Blockx, Vasari and Winsor and Newton (cheapest option)

For Your Transfer Drawing

  • Tracing paper* - 1 or 2 sheets same size as canvas
  • Charcoal* - this can be willow charcoal or you can purchase Nitram charcoal from the school

For Painting

  • Balanced wooden arm palette* (if you are right handed, please buy a left handed palette, and vice versa)
  • Stretched linen canvas* or gesso panel 18"x24" approximately. It's advisable to bring 2 canvases of the same size to help transport your painting safely home.  If you know how to put down an imprimatura, please do so with a thin wash of raw umber as this will save you painting time.  Alternatively we will do a demonstration on the first day for those who are unsure.
  • Small (roughly A4 size) canvas cut-off, panel or canvas paper* - for colour study
  • Hog bristle brushes*  (overall a good selection of hog brushes should be used.  The more brushes, the easier it is to keep colour mixes clean. A variety of sizes is essential for handling large areas of the painting as well as small details.  However, a set of at least 10 'filberts' and 'flats' should be enough to get started).
  • Flexible steel palette knife*
  • Refined Linseed Oil*
  • Winsor and Newton Sansodor* or Jackson's low odour solvent (odourless turpentine substitute for painting).  You cannot use turpentine within the studio
  • Airtight metal brush cleaner or jam jar (jam jars must be clearly labelled with your name, course and solvents it contains)
  • Metal dipper* for medium
  • A good supply of kitchen roll for cleaning brushes
  • Tupperware tub for keeping paints overnight
  • Something to carry your wet paintings home with on the last day, for example, a canvas carrier*.  If you are unable to find one, another canvas of the same size can be strapped to the front to keep the painting safe while being transported.

Terms & Conditions







If the cast is in stock you have the right to cancel the purchase of a good without having to give a reason at any time, within the “cooling off period” of seven working days, beginning on the day after you receive the goods. If you are in possession of the goods you are under the duty to retain them and take reasonable care of them.  

You must send the goods back to us to our contact address at your own costs (unless we delivered the item to you in error or the item is damaged or defective) as soon as possible once you have canceled the contract.

We reserve the right to make a charge not exceeding our direct costs of recovering the goods if you do not return the goods or return them at your expense. Once you have notified us that you wish to cancel the contract, any sum debited to us will be refunded to you as soon as possible and in any event within 30 days of your cancellation.

If the cast you purchase is not in stock and has to be made, then the above terms will apply and any sum debited to us minus 50% will refunded.